How to use Bluetooth foot pedals with The Metronome?

The Metronome app supports Bluetooth foot pedals with custom mapping (both on iOS and Android).

You can use them to switch songs, play & pause, increase & decrease BMP and even for BPM tap. You can customize the inputs depending on your needs. This also works in combination with Soundbrenner wearables, so that you can easily control them with the tap of your foot!

This is how you connect your Bluetooth foot pedal to your app:

Step 1:
Go to the Bluetooth settings of your mobile device. On iOS, this is inside the "Settings" app → "Bluetooth". On Android, this varies depending on your Android versions and phone manufacturer.
In the Bluetooth settings, find your foot pedal in the list and pair it.

Step 2:
Open our mobile app, go to "Settings" → "App settings".
Click on "App Settings" and go to "Foot Pedal Inputs" menu.

Step 3:
Turn your foot pedal inputs on. 
In this page, you will be able to customize your inputs. Chose a command to customize it. 

Step 4: 
You can assign one of the listed six interactions to each foot pedal input.

Bluetooth foot pedals that are guaranteed to be compatible:

  • Stomp foot pedal
  • PageFlip

All other Bluetooth foot pedals should also be compatible. Currently we are not aware of any incompatible models. In case we hear of any, we will list them here in the future.

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