Studio One: how to sync Soundbrenner Pulse & Core to DAWs

This article is specifically about how to pair our mobile app (and Soundbrenner wearables) to Studio One. You can accomplish this via a USB cable.

What works: Controlling the tempo of your Soundbrenner app and wearables via Studio One

What doesn’t work: Controlling the tempo of Studio One via your Soundbrenner app and wearables. Subdivision information also cannot be sent due to a limitation of MIDI clock.


Using Studio One to control your Soundbrenner wearable: 

Step 1: 

Make sure your Soundbrenner app is set up to receive external MIDI. Launch Studio One and open Options -> External Devices.

Launch Studio One and open Options -> External Devices.

Click Add and then select New Instrument. Set Receive From and Send To to MIDI function.

Step 2:

Click “Send MIDI Clock” and “Use MIDI Clock Start”. This will allow Studio One to send bpm info to your wearable, and also allow it to start and stop the metronome. You can also change the Device Name to Soundbrenner for easy reference in the future.


Now, you can control the tempo of your Soundbrenner wearable, as well as start and stop the metronome, directly from Studio One.

You now have all the information you need to get your Soundbrenner wearable set up with Studio One.

If you are experiencing connectivity issues with and need help with troubleshooting, please first click the link below for a list of common issues and their solutions. If you have any more questions, please contact 

General known DAW issues

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